Monday, December 3, 2018

Glad Legacy

Ever had this convo?

Mother: "Oh look sweetie, your grandmother's wool skirts! They'll fit you perfectly! She'd be sooo happy to know that you'll wear them now. How speeecial! Try them on!"

Daughter: "Oh. (gulp, eye roll) How ... nice."

I have. Sometimes what's precious to one generation, is truthfully only precious to that one generation.

A client recently brought us three wool skirts made from the family tartan design. After a bit of cutting and sewing, these skirts emerged as Christmas stockings. A charming re-purposing of a legacy gift! (For the record, this client's wool intolerance is the real reason behind the re-purposing of the skirts.)

At the studio today, we're thinking about all kinds of re-purposing possibilities.

A childhood blankie into a pillow?

A moth holed linen table cloth into everyday napkins?

Silk handkerchiefs into a sassy halter-top?

An old wool jacket into a stylish baseball cap?

A doily into a sexy bikini?

What can we help you re-imagine?

See our Etsy Shop at Kathleen Temple, Tailor